Tuesday, October 28, 2008

True Existence

Finally !!! I truly exist on this great planet. I now have a blog, but, surprisingly enough, seem to have used all of my words for the day. Mark your calendar folks.....it's not often that I have nothing to say. I'll just have to make my next post EXTREMELY exciting. I am just glad that I finally can prove my existence to any knucklehead with a laptop sucking down an overpriced cup of coffee at Starbucks. Until then, enjoy the uncommon silence of my ways.


wm said...
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wm said...

But if you exist, the next step is to let the world know the nature of your existence. One views your profile and immediately sees that you could be a plant, or a mineral, or perhaps a human with a keyboard.

You must flesh out your profile. Post a photo. Answer the hard questions like... why?

Who is DTB? A delete tab? Dietetic Toast Blender? The WWW must know before you can truly exist.

wm said...

OMG it's Mr. Pharmacy! It's his own self! I will be your first follower!