From News:
"The $9.7 trillion in pledges would be enough to send a $1,430 check to every man, woman and child alive in the world. It’s 13 times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Congressional Budget Office data, and is almost enough to pay off every home mortgage loan in the U.S., calculated at $10.5 trillion by the Federal Reserve."
Tell you what...Forget every person on the planet, let's be Nationalistic about this because we already are the world leader in aide to other countries, even those unfriendly to us, and split this amount up amongst all LEGAL CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. Are you smart enough to recall that IT IS NOT CONGRESS' MONEY ---- they did nothing to earn it other than spend millions getting elected --- IT IS 100% TAXPAYER MONEY. I WANT MY MONEY BACK.
And how about this as a further lean to the left for me -- since " THE ONE " / " THE BIG O " wants to make it illegal for business heads that have 'borrowed' from the government to be paid more than $500K per year, we should make sure that NO ONE - not even Whooppie or Oprah or Gore or any other Supreme Being Type such as they are -- who profits in any way above $500K should receive any of this bailout of the American people. Their part just gets put back into the mix and redistributed to us lowly serfs. We would have to provide a birth certificate or some other positive proof of citizenship though. You couldn't just use your driver's license or some other poor excuse for residency. ( Oops, sorry about that "BIG O " ). I think we need to reward us little people for putting up with the morons that got us into this mess.
Okay that is about all I can spew for now as I am starting to more veer than meander, and this is not "Visceral Veerings", but "Mental Meanderings". Somedays I am just going to have to remind myself of that fact.
Changer Plan De Travail Cuisine
4 years ago
There is a pretty good chance that if left alone, this poor excuse for an economy could sputter back to life.
This "stimulus" package (what's another word for package?), if and when enacted, will pretty much kill it. Thing is, those morons on Capitol Hill know it, even if the Exalted One (Peace Be Upon Him) doesn't. They are interested in getting money they can give away so they can hold onto their power.
They are power whores. They are evil. They no longer even pretend otherwise.
History repeats!
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